88,000 Acres Of Bad Shit.

I have been admitted in the hospital for a week now. Not that I am sick or anything. Nope. I just needed some peace of mind. Of course the services here are excellent and they give you value for your money. It’s expensive yes, but still the private ward I’m in is much more beautiful…

Going Under

12th December 2022. Athi River; Mombasa – Nairobi Highway. 0333hrs. It shouldn’t have happened. But it happened, I lay there in a pool of blood. My body trapped in a mangle of wreckage. My vision became distorted. It was abit hazy, everything in front of me seemed dark and cloudy. Their voices seemed like a…

Sitting Down Here

Perhaps I should go to the confession box and say, “forgive me father, for I haven’t written in the last fourteen days.” Maybe, just maybe, I might go.. but I have the heart of some certain pharisee who went before the Lord in the synagogue and said that he was not a sinner cause he…


I think they should add a little bit of chilli to the biryani. We clan members don’t stay put in one place. Of course we wouldn’t want to harm others with our shenanigans while we are smoking. We all have different degrees and diploma’s to the various levels of madness in our minds. They’d have…

Naruto’s Car.

Knock, knock. Door goes on unanswered for a couple of minutes. They have mastered enough courage to knock at the door of the prodigal son who knows no bounds. But it seems they’ve found a relief because they know that the prodigal son’s mother is around. But that won’t stop them from accusing him of…

First Time.

The first time I jumped into her pool and it felt really nice. She wrapped her long legs around me when it was getting dark and I held on tight. Lying on her, bed the unfamiliar sheets felt so cool on my skin. Going home, I felt that first impression when we walked the long…